Compatibility Level Evaluation of Spatial Utilization to Detail Spatial Planning
Based on Detail Spatial Planning (RDTR) Map of 2018, Teuku Nyak Arief Street include into the spatial pattern of protected and aquaculture areas. There are several activity function violations in spatial utilization which does not met RTDR. The background of the research is how the compatibility of the spatial utilization on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor to RDTR in protected and aquaculture areas. This research aims to evaluate the compatibility level of the spatial utilization on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor on protected and aquaculture areas. The research use qualitative method approach through observation. The research location is in layer 1 building located on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor in Kuta Alam and Syiah Kuala Sub District. Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor evaluated is starting from Ratu Safiatuddin Park Monument to Koplema Darussalam Gateway with 4.35 km length. The compatibility level of spatial utilization reviewed is classification of unpermitted activities spatial utilization based on RDTR of Kuta Alam and Syiah Kuala Sub District. The observation of spatial utilization on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor is carried out in local protection block (PS), green open space block (RTH), trade and service zone (K), office zone (KT), general service facilities zone (SPU), non green open space zone (RTNH), and special zone (KH) based on RDTR of Kuta Alam and Syiah Kuala Sub District. The output of quantitative analysis shows that the spatial utilization of Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor on protected area of river border sub block, cemetery sub block, and green belt sub block have 100% of compatibility level, while city park sub block has 91% of compatibility level. The spatial utilization of Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor on aquaculture area of education sub zone, sport sub zone, non-green open space sub zone, and defense and security sub zone have 100% of compatibility level , office zone has 57% compatibility level, and trade and service zone has 99% of compatibility level. There are 9 zones and 5 sub zone found along Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor violating the function activities. It is required the regulation in controlling the spatial utilization from function deviation to ensure the spatial utilization meets RDTR determined by the government.