Role of Technology Based Training towards Competency Building

  • Rama Krishna Gupta Potnuru et. al


Over the last few years, the world has seen a series of innovations that have fundamentally altered the business function. Technology is moving from the back end, and is increasingly becoming a part of each employee’s everyday tool set. This changing scenario is creating a gap in skills that many organizations are struggling to fill the gap. Organizations are attempting to fill these gaps, which blends the needs of Information Technology (IT) with sales, marketing, and other departments. These gaps may be best bridged through advanced and Technology Based Training (TBT) rather than hiring. Technological innovation has rapidly transformed the way people are being educated and trained, while at the same time, it has equally become a key tool in building business capacity and increasing workforce skills and competencies. The article discusses the role of Technology based Training towards building the competencies of employees, which is required for the sustainable development of the organization. The article also presents the implications of the different Technology based Training methods to the employees.

How to Cite
et. al, R. K. G. P. (2020). Role of Technology Based Training towards Competency Building. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3141 - 3149. Retrieved from