Electrical Conductivity and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Polypyrrole: A Conducting Polymer Composite of Fly Ash

  • Y.V. Khedekar et. al


There are several conducting polymers available, but has poor electrical conductivity, poor mechanical properties, and processability, in this regard, Polypyrrole serves as a promising polymer with high electrical conductivity, environmental stability, and ease of synthesis. In the present research, The Polypyrrole and Fly Ash composites have been prepared with various concentrations like (10%, 20%, 30%, wt. %) of Fly ash within the pyrrole. And observed for the Electrical conductivity and thermogravimetric analysis, Morphology of the composites has been examined by scanning electron microscopy. The composites of Polypyrrole-Fly Ash were also examined by XRD (X-ray diffractometry) and FTIR. TGA studies showed the thermal stability enhancement of composites with increment in the loading level of fly ash. The understanding of the crystal structure of polypyrrole composites, morphology, and electrical properties may be helpful to improve the stability characteristics of these materials which are the key feature in governing the many device performances. The current work revealed that the Fly Ash concentration in PPy is responsible for the differences in the conductivity of the composites. Furthermore, the study deals with the synthesis and characterization of PPy/FlyAsh composites and the evaluation of DC and AC conductivity for different weight. % of Fly Ash within the PPy composites with an intention to know the effect of Fly Ash. The various spectral characterization of the composites has been done by different techniques.

How to Cite
et. al, Y. K. (2020). Electrical Conductivity and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Polypyrrole: A Conducting Polymer Composite of Fly Ash. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3078 - 3087. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/4371