Synthesis and Spectral Evaluation of Zeolite and Nanotubes of Silica: The Rich Constituents of Rice Husk Ash.
Several products are synthesized from Rice husk ash, as it’s a by-product of rice collected from rice processing industries having a wide range of applications in synthesizing certain important functional materials such as activated carbon, silica, carbon nanotubes, silicon, etc. Many synthesized materials form RHA have more reactivity with other components, poor thermal stability, and low content, in this regard zeolite and Silica as a nanomaterial serve as the promising material with wide bandgap, grater photocatalytic activity, greater availability, low cost and more importantly, more thermal stability Hence, Current research reports the rice husk ash synthesis from rice husk and further development of silica nanotubes and Zeolites from prepared ash of rice husk with their characterization. The hydrothermal and sol-gel method was used to synthesize the silica nanotubes and zeolite. The prepared ash of rice husk with both the synthesized materials was evaluated for Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The results of obtained materials proved that they have desired properties that are having multiple of applications, more stable and yield, hence the efforts to produce this kind of substances from the ash of rice husk was a beneficial work.