Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on Smart Traffic System using Cloud Computing
The present automated traffic management system fails to deal with enlarge in vehicular traffic needs due to manual traffic system and time programming. It suffers from vehicle delay and congestion. In addition the present scenario of smart city, particularly in the urban and big cities, the traffic is very congested and maximum time, especially at the time of office hours. Due to increasing escalation of residents and vehicles in metropolitan cities, community countenance group of issue at the main traffic points of the commercial cities. Not only it part of travelling delays, but also contributes to environmental sustainability pollution as well as health issues due to pollution based by vehicle stimulates. In these circumstances the IoT based traffic management system with cloud computing plays a vital role. In this work, we proposed smart transportation system with IOT to covers route optimization, street lights, accident prevention/detection, road anomalies, and infrastructure applications and attain an apparent view of the trends in the transport areas and spot probable coverage needs.