Influence of Sloping Ground on The Seismic Analysis
In this study the effect of sloping ground on the earthquake forces of a RCC structure. The analysis is carried out using SAP 2000 for linear static analysis. The standards of IS 1893 coupled with FEMA 356 were used in the study. In the earthquake analysis the effect of infill walls will not be considered in RCC structures unless they are shear walls. However, in the present study the strength of infill walls is also taken into consideration. Seven slope categories ranging from 0-degree to 30-degree is considered. The buildings were analysed using equivalent static analysis for the IS 1893: 2002 loading requirement. For each case member forces (such as shear force, bending moment, axial force and torsion) are estimated and studied the effect of ground slopes on the member forces. The study indicated that the displacement increases as slope increases. Further the displacements at each storey and on the stiff side and flexible side also increase with increase in slope. The study showed greater shears and torsion as compared to conventional level-based constructions.