The Use of ICT Physical Education in the Partnership Teacher Training of School and Institutions
The project investigated the way ICT is currently used in Physical Education (PE) in the NCPE Researched the opportunities for enhancing and extending its use. It examined how the course, in both university and school-based settings, is able to support trainees in the use of ICT in PE. From this enhanced knowledge base, the research sought to identify areas for improvement which could be taken into consideration when planning for the next cohort of trainees. It will also be used to inform arrangements for supporting teachers in DSR schools and highlight areas the schools themselves may like to consider.The research process was designed and implemented so as to be informative and supportive, encouraging all involved to reflect on and develop current practice rather than to make judgements. It aimed to promote and further develop effective use of ICT to the benefit of the local Partnership of trainees, teachers, schools and university-based lecturers; as well enhancing the learning experiences of the school students.Although the study focused on the practice of one NCPE partnership, it is felt the findings and recommendations may be helpful in supporting the improvement of practice more widely.