• Mahadeo B Shinde et. al


ABSTRACT: Peripheral intravascular catheterization is a typical procedure carried out during hospitalization, with most of patients requiring the intravenous administration of liquid or drug sooner or later during their hospital stay. Methodology-A observational study was carried out at a medical ward. Data collection includes Patient characteristics includes age, gender, and health complaints. PIV characteristics includes Catheter size, duration, insertion site, nature of PIV infusate, and type of dressing PIV catheters-related clinical outcomes includes Pain, Phlebitis, leaking. Visual Inspection Phlebitis (VIP) scale was used. Findings- Total of 450 patients assessed. Majority were 300 (77.77%) males 248(55.11%) of patients were 40 -60 years. The majority of patients, 67.9%, had medical, chief admission complaints. More than one half of insertions were done by senior staff nurses,  734 (58.11%),PIVCs  were  frequently inserted  in hands, 395 (31.27%),  Transparent dressing was applied for the majority of catheter sites,  Hydration  was  the most frequent infusate. Complications- Phlebitis positioned first among complications, with a CI of 222 (17.57%), followed by pain, 95 (7.52%), leaking,  52  (4.11%)  and dislodgement,  35 (2.77%), and  extravasations  and  occlusion,  6  (0.47%)  each. The beginning time of PIVC complications extended from 10.7 hours (for dislodgement) to 30.64 hours (for leaking). Removal time for peripheral intravenous cather incorporation was not a significant pointer of phlebitis. Conclusion-Incidence of PIVC-actuated complications right now essentially higher than numerous which anticipated by sex (female), mixture of IV drug, and inclusion destinations (upper and lower arm). Better addition strategies might be looked to bring down the rates of PIVC inconveniences to additionally postpone their beginning. Changing catheters is suggested when clinically showed as opposed to routinely post-72 hours of inclusion which consequently limits the recurrence of additions per quiet and ensuing complexities.

How to Cite
et. al, M. B. S. (2020). OCCURANCE AND PREDICTORS OF PERIPHERAL INTRAVENOUSCATHETER INDUCED COMPLICATIONS AT TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2928 - 2934. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/4269