Barriers for early mobilization of patients in critical care unit.

  • Dr Mahadeo B Shinde et. al


For patients admitted in intensive care units because of strict bed rest & continuous immobility usually occur in a patients it increase the risk of ICU weakness and other complications.Early time mobilization at early level for patients admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU) is secure, practicable, and useful.observational studies was carried out at Krishna hospital Karad. Total 200 patients were observed during 3 months period. The checklist was used to observe the barriers it include the patient-related barriers, Structural barriers & ICU culture barriers. The result shows that in physical barriers High severity of illness 46% was most contributing barrier for early mobilization along with Time constraints35% in patient-related ICU culture barriers Lack of mobility culture (53%)  was most leading barrier for early mobilization.

How to Cite
et. al, D. M. B. S. (2020). Barriers for early mobilization of patients in critical care unit. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2925 - 2927. Retrieved from