An Overview on Trend of Border Trade Between India and Myanmar

  • Arup Deka


The north east region of India shares huge border with neighbour countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and China. The region has the potential to transform into a principal gateway of international trade. Myanmar could be the bridge in connection with other south Asian countries. Indian states Manipur and Mizoram shares border with Myanmar. Government of India collaborating with the government of Myanmar has established two land custom stations in Moreh (Manipur) and Zowkhathar (Mizoram). The border trade through Moreh is found in fluctuation. In initial period (1995-96 to 1997-98) the trend of border trade had increased but later on it found declining.

How to Cite
Deka, A. (2020). An Overview on Trend of Border Trade Between India and Myanmar. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2825 - 2829. Retrieved from