Innovations in information and communications technologies have shaped a digital revolution that is changing the world works, learn, communicates and transacts business. E-commerce continues to illustrate strong growth and has been influencing the socio-economical growth of nations. The waves of assumption and practice of ICT’s (Information and Communication Technologies) have revolutionized our world by introducing distinct technology– enabled services in every sphere of our lives. Digitalization is a process of converting the diverse forms of information, such as text, sound, image or voice into digitalized format. It has demonstrated impact on economy and society by dropping unemployment, improving quality of life, and boosting access to knowledge and other public services. The Process of Digitalization is marked by cost effectiveness to cut the cost that incurred in various knowledge practices related to the production, organization and communication of information that makes long-term economic growth. Today E-commerce has become a significant part of daily life. Accessibility to E-commerce platforms is not a privilege but rather a necessity for most people particularly in the urban areas. There are alternative E-commerce platforms available for almost every facet of our lives, starting from purchasing of everyday household items to online brokerage. In 21st century as internet has become most vital and most indispensable device, it will surely race to achieve more growth and sales via internet. Also focused about the augmentation of E-commerce in India and its sales and impact in Indian economy of all different types of E-commerce, restricts the study to mainly Business to Customer types of business, though it did cover other types of E-commerce and its social impact also in India via sales of e-commerce in India.