Simulation of Cd(SSe) Solar Cell Using Artificial Neural Network

  • S.V.Katkar et. al


Present investigation focuses on a thin film solar cell by giving emphasize on Cd (SSe) thin film solar cell.  This research paper focuses on thin film solar cells which are available in lower cost. By simulating this solar cell in MATLAB, predicated result closely matches with experimental result.  To model the nonlinearities of Cd (SSe) which is a thin film solar cell, we have employed artificial neural network (ANN). To get an optimized solar cell we have calculated the error, found at different values of hidden neurons in ANN. In conclusion this paper confirms that ANN is a suitable tool for modeling of the thin film solar cell.

How to Cite
et. al, S. (2020). Simulation of Cd(SSe) Solar Cell Using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2583 - 2591. Retrieved from