The Use of Linear Quadratic Regulator Electronic Control for Vehicle Semi-Active Suspension Systems

  • Ayman M. Brisha, Ahmad O. Moaaz


In recently years, vehicle designers have given many concerns to the suspension control system so that you can decorate ride comfort, stability and avenue handling of the vehicle. An effective suspension should provide a good ride comfort and vehicle stability. The comfort and stability of the vehicle depend on the type usage of the vehicle. This research paper is aim to construct a semi active suspension control for two degree of freedom quarter automobile model subject to random and bump road profiles using Electronic linear quadratic regulator control (ELQR). The proposed semi active suspension system is based on linear quadratic regulator control. Evaluation of passive and semi active suspensions system performed using two types of roads. The performance of the ELQR control is simulated through Using SIMULINK toolbox. The result showed that semi active suspension system controlled by ELQR controller improves the ride comfort compared to the passive suspension systems.

How to Cite
Ahmad O. Moaaz, A. M. B. (2020). The Use of Linear Quadratic Regulator Electronic Control for Vehicle Semi-Active Suspension Systems. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 58 - 67. Retrieved from