Impact of Landfill Leachates on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Groundwater at Okhla Landfill Site

  • Neeraj Saini, Manish Bhargav, Neeraj Verma, Kaushal Sharma, Satyam Garg


Physico-chemical analysis of water samples collected from the groundwater at Okhla landfill situated in Delhi to measure the impact of the landfill leach ate.  Temperature, pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), Dissolved oxygen (DO), Total Iron, Total Hardness, Nitrite, Nitrate, Calcium, and heavy metals such as Zinc, copper, and lead are the parameters that are determined in the groundwater at Okhla through the standard laboratory procedures and conventional equipment. These parameters are considered as the indicator of traceable pollution. The pH of the toxic pollution ranges from 5.7 to 6.8.Turbidity values of this pollution range between 26.5 to 27.50C.  The Values of temperature for these parameters are considered as 266.5 to 27.50C. The concentration of the heavy metals found in the groundwater such as iron, nitrite, nitrate, and calcium ranged from 0.8 to 1.3 mg, 1.29 to 60 mg, 1 to 9.6 mg, and 16 to 121 mg respectively. The presence of chromium in the groundwater is not directly affected by landfills. From the statistical analysis, it is clear that significant differences among all the parameters for the samples were test at a 95% level.

How to Cite
Neeraj Saini, Manish Bhargav, Neeraj Verma, Kaushal Sharma, Satyam Garg. (2021). Impact of Landfill Leachates on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Groundwater at Okhla Landfill Site. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 30(01), 169 - 179. Retrieved from