Design of Rectangular Antenna with Fractal Defected Ground Structure for Dual Band Applications

  • Karunaiah Bonigala, et. al


Abstract  In this paper, a novel fractal defected ground structure (FDGS) has been  proposed to work at dual-band for Ultra-wide band (UWB) applications. The dual bands are obtained by accommodating the dimensions of slotted fractal DGS in ground. The dual band microstrip antenna with iteration 2 FDGS is fabricated and measured. The 10 dB return loss bandwidth percentage of simulated FDGS are 5.26 % (7.4-7.8 GHz), 8.94 % (11.6-12.7 GHz) The gain of dual band antennas are between 3 to 6 dB, the FDGS has improved the 10 dB return loss bandwidth, radiation characteristics and max gain. The fabricated antenna is tested experimentally by cross verifying the simulated results. The measurements have been carried out using vector network analyzer in anechoic chamber.

How to Cite
et. al, K. B. (2020). Design of Rectangular Antenna with Fractal Defected Ground Structure for Dual Band Applications. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2299 - 2306. Retrieved from