Secure Location and Content Sharing in OSN
Abstract: In social networking sites it is very a common task that shares the user locations to other friends. In this process there are two types of the situations involved, one is share the location to another user and another is share the location to the group of people in social groups. Location sharing feature in the groups in current systems is not much useful to the users, because of the sharing location in the in group just like a normal micro blog. This is the reason in our location sharing system when user shares location into the groups it won’t share like micro blog, it will available to the others all the time. User will get the remaining user’s locations within the group by the query request. In other part this paper is security of user location. For this we are proposing AORE notation(Advance Order Retrievable Encryption) which will secure the user co-ordinates and the content information using two different encryption algorithms. For Co-ordinates data we use AES encryption and for content information we use DES encryption.