DG Integrated Common DC Link Fed Parallel DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement and Active Power Injection

  • P. V. V Satyanarayana et. al


Abstract: Power quality is a thrust area taken up by electrical engineers as power quality issues cause immense disturbances in the power system. Power quality refers to the capability of load component to absorb the supplied power. DSTATCOM is a renowned power electronic active filter for harmonic compensation. Distributed Generation (DG) integration is the key aspect in the present day power system scenario. This paper presents the parallel DSTATCOM configuration (with common DC-Link) in a power system connected at point of common coupling. One of the VSIs in parallel DSTATCOM configuration acts as a power quality enhancer reducing the harmonics and the other as active (Distributed Generation) power injector. This topology avoids the use of extra (separate) VSI for the integration of Distributed Generation. The proposed model is developed and the result analysis is put forward with MATLAB/SIMULINK software.     

How to Cite
et. al, P. V. V. S. (2020). DG Integrated Common DC Link Fed Parallel DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement and Active Power Injection. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2277 - 2291. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/3646