Mitochondrial COI barcoding of Scorpaena elongata (Cadenat, 1943): Intra genus investigation and hypothetical protein profiling

  • S. Vaitheeswari et. al


In the present study Scorpaena elongata  from Parangipettai waters was sequenced for its 642 bp region of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene to test its efficacy in identifying the species and also to demonstrate its intra species variations within the barcode region. The present study addresses this issue by examining the patterning of COI diversity in the subphylum Vertebrata, the most ancient and structurally diverse group of Family Scorpaenidae. The sequences were analyzed for their species identification using BOLD’s identification engine. The BOLD’s identification engine was also used to draw species level phylogenetic tree. The COI sequences of S.elongata from different geographical regions were extracted from NCBI for intraspecies variation analysis. All sequences were aligned using Clustal X. The sequences were trimmed in MEGA and phylogenetic tree was constructed with bootstrap test with 500 replicates. The barcode profiling studies clearly revealed that the barcode region of S.elongata from parangipettai waters has equal amount of  cytosine and thymine content with 29.3 mol% whereas guanine content was found least with 18.5 Mol%. The results obtained in case of hypothetical barcode protein profiling, as the percentage of serine was found higher as 14.46% and tryptophan with 0.62% as lowest in barcode proteins. Interesting while comparing COI nucleotide sequence of S.elongata  is of low mol% from Parangipettai waters with other four fishes of same species from Spain, Mauritania and Greece.

How to Cite
et. al, S. V. (2020). Mitochondrial COI barcoding of Scorpaena elongata (Cadenat, 1943): Intra genus investigation and hypothetical protein profiling. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2160 - 2180. Retrieved from