DNA barcode profiling and intra species variation analysis within the bar-code region of an ornamental red lion fish- Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758
As a part of this initiative we have selected Pterois volitans a commercially exploited species as an ornamental fish for DNA barcoding to solve the ambiguity in its species level identification. While cross checking the NCBI about 10 sequences showed significant alignments of which the maximum identity ranged from 99% to 100%. The maximum score ranged from 1122 to 1108. The bolds search showed top 20 specimen similarity with 99.68% to 100%. The barcode profiling studies clearly revealed that the barcode region of P.volitans from different waters had high cytosine content whereas guanine content was found least. Nucleotide composition of the test organisms was analyzed using BIOEDIT software. The analyses revealed the molar concentration of bar-coded genes G+C content of the lion fish were analyzed and there was a little fluctuation in the G+C content of P.volitans from different geographical boundary. In P.volitans 2% variation in the G+C content was observed between the specimens of Parangipettai waters when compared to Vietnam waters. P.volitans from Australia waters showed less G+C content compared to P.volitans sequenced from Parangipettai and Vietnam Sea waters. An interesting thing noticed was that both the P.volitans from Vietnam water showed more or less same amount of G+C content (~46.3%).