An Analysis of Digital Video Water Marking Techniques

  • Ms.Shital Gupta , Dr.Megha Kamble


This is a broad review of digital video water marking which is an important technique to restrict piracy. Piracy is one of the significant factors and concern for studios and movies producers. Now a day’s video piracy is harming the film industry and its revenue. If we see the global economy, production houses are becoming loss making units. In this Digital world, every day the technology is changing and the chances of misuse of video are also increasing at same rate. So multimedia security and secure video are challenging and inspiring problem for the researchers. This paper narrates the several video water marking techniques used to prevent and avoid the piracy in order to produce secured and full proof video and related multimedia content. In addition to this survey paper also highlights video water marking in transform domain with some prospective solution.

How to Cite
Ms.Shital Gupta , Dr.Megha Kamble. (2021). An Analysis of Digital Video Water Marking Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 30(01), 12-21. Retrieved from