Some new sets, Topologies and Decomposition of weaker forms of continuity via Fuzzy Ideals

  • K. Malarvizhi et. al


The purpose of this paper is to introduce fuzzy L*-perfect, fuzzy R*-perfect, fuzzy C*-perfect and fuzzy fI -sets in fuzzy ideal topological spaces. Furthermore, we have introduced R* topology using fuzzy ideal topological spaces. The characterization for compatible ideals via fuzzy R*-perfect sets and a fuzzy topology via ideals which is finer than τ using fuzzy R* -perfect sets on a finite set is obtained. Moreover, the fuzzy weakly γ-I -open set is introduced. Some related concepts like fuzzy weakly γ-I-continuous functions, fuzzy weakly γ-I-open functions and fuzzy weakly γ-I-closed functions are also defined. The characterizations along with their properties concerning all these concepts are discussed. Finally, a new decomposition of weaker forms of fuzzy continuity is obtained using fuzzy weakly γ-I-open sets.

How to Cite
et. al, K. M. (2020). Some new sets, Topologies and Decomposition of weaker forms of continuity via Fuzzy Ideals. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2046 - 2060. Retrieved from