Causal Relationship of Branding, Integrated Marketing Communication, Corporate Image and Parents' loyalty to Regular Private Schools in the Upper Northern Region of Thailand.

  • Tangrapeeleart Wathit et. al


Abstract: The purposes  of  this  research were (1) to study the importance of  branding, integrated marketing communications, corporate image and parents’ loyalty, and (2) to consider causal relationship of branding, integrated marketing communications, corporate image and parents’ loyalty to private schools in the upper northern region of Thailand. The samples were collected from the parents having two or more children of 301 private schools in the upper northern region of Thailand, studying in kindergarten, elementary or at the secondary level. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed with descriptive statistics of percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics by structural equation model: SEM) and use the Amos program.The results of this research will be useful for private school administrators to determine marketing strategies or find ways to use integrated marketing communications tools which can be appropriate to the situation and truly reach the school parents. This is accepted, confident, and trust in school management. Finally, parents are loyal to the organization, able to communicate with organizational commitment or an attitude towards the organization that reflects the relevance system that parents or those who are involved have confidence, faith, love, and cherish to the organization.

How to Cite
et. al, T. W. (2020). Causal Relationship of Branding, Integrated Marketing Communication, Corporate Image and Parents’ loyalty to Regular Private Schools in the Upper Northern Region of Thailand. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1857 - 1862. Retrieved from