The Conceptual Framework: Causal Relationship of Standard and Service Quality of Thai Traditional Massage Business that influences Satisfaction and Customers’ Loyalty in the Upper Northern Region of Thailand.
Abstract: This research aimed to 1) Study opinions on standard of Thai massage service quality, satisfaction, and customer’s loyalty and 2) Analyze the causal relationship of the standard Thai massage and service quality of the Thai massage business that influences the satisfaction and customer’s loyalty in the upper northern region of Thailand. This research consists of both quantitative and qualitative research methods with questionnaires and interview forms as the research tools. The participants were 400 people who had experienced the massage service in the upper northern region of Thailand including 8 provinces. The data were then analyzed using the structural equation with the Lisrel technique. The Thai government announced a policy to develop the country to be the “Capital Spa of Asia” by pushing the development of standards and identity of the spa business as well as Thai massage to international standards. The government also focused on proactive marketing within the country and abroad to strengthen the Thai economy, but this business had been facing some problems, such as a shortage of staff to provide Thai massage service and weak in the management that could affect the customer’s satisfaction. Therefore, the researchers were interested in studying the causal relationship of Thai massage standard, service quality of the massage business, and the customer’s loyalty in the upper northern provinces of Thailand. The results of this research will be a guideline for determining strategies to improve service quality to be able to compete further.