Religious Beliefs and Practices among the Deuri Tribes in Assam (A Case Study of Kachikota Deuri Village of Lakhimpur District in Assam)

  • Sri Gojendra Deuri


The Deuri community is one of the major tribal communities of Assam and constitute on important ethnic group in North-East India. The Deuri community has preserved a traditional Deuri religion since their ancient period and it has been regarded as a hidden treasure for the sociologists, as well as academic circles. Generally, the Deuri religion in Assam invariably has oral religion like other tribes in North-Eastern states. The theory of beliefs and practices regarding the Deuri religion are not written form. The beliefs are transmitted by word of mouth and are passed on as tradition from generation to generation. Animismis also the common phenomenon among the Deuri tribes like other tribes of North-East India. They believe on existence of numerous benevolent and malevolent deities and spirits in and around their habitat. So, they tried to adjust themselves with environment which surrounded them and free from disease, suffering and misfortune. But, the natural phenomena remained mysterious to them.  However, in the village, Deuri people are also gradually experienced about the others religion due to the recent influx of various religious forces. Thus, the study also reflects that how far the Deuri tribes are successful in preserving their age old traditional religious value.  So, an attempt has been made in this paper to study about the religious beliefs and practices prevalent among the Deuri tribes of Assam and changing trends of their religion.

How to Cite
Sri Gojendra Deuri. (2020). Religious Beliefs and Practices among the Deuri Tribes in Assam (A Case Study of Kachikota Deuri Village of Lakhimpur District in Assam). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 4742 - 4748. Retrieved from