Study of the benefits, pedagogical approaches and challenges regarding International reporting standards (IFRS) in Indian Higher education accounting curriculum: Students & Academicians perception evidence from India
The present paper aims to examine the benefits, pedagogical approaches and challenges regarding International reporting standards (IFRS) in Indian Higher education accounting curriculum.
Design/ methodology/approach – The research design employed in this study was descriptive in nature. The target populations in the study were 133 students’ respondents and 98 academicians from various Universities /Colleges in India studying and working in area of Accounting, Finance and Banking. Objective of this paper is achieved by examining the four areas. (i) Students perception regarding benefits of Studying IFRS in course curriculum, (ii) Students perception regarding usefulness of the learning and teaching approach of IFRS, (iii) Academicians perceptions regarding pedagogical approaches of the IFRS teaching & Learning. (iv) Academicians perception regarding the challenging factors in terms of IFRS being integrated in the Indian Higher Education curriculum. Primary data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire that had been developed by the researchers based on research objectives, one set of questionnaires for Students and another set for Academicians. The quantitative data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20 program. Factor analysis and T- test were employed to examine the objective and hypotheses.