The Importance of Family-Centered Care In Pediatric Nursing

  • Senay Cetinkaya et. al


 Protecting and improving the health of the community is very important to protect and improve child health. In the creation of a healthy society, responsibility is first in the family and then in health professionals. Family-centered care is the philosophy of care that recognizes that families have an important role in ensuring health and well-being. The child's hospitalization, the unfamiliarity of the environment and the uncertainty of the procedures will lead to stress in the child. Changing the daily routines of the family and some of the roles of care professionals by health professionals cause the family to feel helpless. When the literature is examined, it is clearly stated that the family should be included in the care, their children stay in the hospital and they should be informed about the care and treatment process of the family. Family centered care in pediatric health and disease nursing is important in meeting the needs of the family and the child. Family-centered care is effective in providing a child with a standard in care while accelerating the healing process.

How to Cite
et. al, S. C. (2020). The Importance of Family-Centered Care In Pediatric Nursing. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1656 - 1659. Retrieved from