Communication Skills among School Masters of Different Gender in Shiraz, Iran

  • Sara Kashefian-Naeeini et. al


Those Educators and school principals who are endowed with good communication skills are more inclined to succeed in their profession and communication skills play pivotal roles in the fulfilment of tasks and achievement of goals in different areas of education. The present study encompassed over 150 male and female secondary school principals in Shiraz, Iran. Through a questionnaire, the role of gender was investigated in the aforementioned participants’ communication skills and its two subcomponents, that is, verbal and written skills. Independent samples t-test was run and it was illuminated that female principals surpassed male ones in verbal and written skills. Moreover, female principals demonstrated greater communication skills in comparison with male ones. By and large, improving communication skills in educators and practitioners of education including principals is of paramount importance in different educational settings and elevation of these skills requires greater efforts and more dedicated attention.

How to Cite
et. al, S. K.-N. (2020). Communication Skills among School Masters of Different Gender in Shiraz, Iran. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1607 -1611. Retrieved from