The Conceptual Frame Work: Perception of Information, Attitude and Behavior of Service Users QR Code Payment that Influences the Performance of Thai Entrepreneurs
Abstract: The objectives of this research were (1) to study the level of opinions of information perceived, attitude toward using, usage behavior, and firm performance. (2) To explore the effect of information perceived, attitude toward using, and usage behavior toward firm performance of Thai entrepreneurs. This research employed mixed methods between quantitative research and qualitative research. The sampling group was 500 entrepreneurs in Thailand. The research tools were questionnaires and in-depth interviews that developed from theory of The Technology Acceptance Model-TAM by Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw (1989) with an analysis unit Operators in Thailand that use QR Code Payment service according to the National e-Payment policy of the Thai government. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with structural equation model (SEM) by Path Analysis Technique, and the results were disseminated for stakeholders’ purposes to driving the National e-Payment policy of the Thai government. That cares about security Efficiency and proper care for consumers together which everyone can be a part in driving digital payment to be widely used in daily life and work. This will help reduce costs, increase efficiency and increase competitiveness in Thailand sustainably.