Examination of Secondary Residences in the Mediterranean Coastal Region in the Context of Image/Identity/Meaning: The Mersin Case

  • Özlem Şenyiğit


The relationships of architectural structures with the places they are in the city and the gaps they create form our perception of the city. The perception of the city is the intersection of the urbanite's own view and environmental factors. The change, transformation, existence and extinction of architectural structures affect our perspective on the city and our urban memory. As a living organism, the city contains experiences, old and new, traditions, cultures and changes within its structure. When it is taken care of, cared for and valued, it becomes vibrant and dynamic, and when it starts to be forgotten and misidentified, it becomes stagnant and disappears after a while.In this context, the effects of secondary houses in Mersin on the environment in terms of image/identity/meaning were examined using visual method. The aim of the study is to identify the problems of secondary residences in Mersin coastal region, which is an important coastal region of the Mediterranean for trade and tourism sector, in the context of image/identity/meaning, and to define the responsibilities expected from the construction in Mersin coastal region.

How to Cite
Şenyiğit, Özlem. (2020). Examination of Secondary Residences in the Mediterranean Coastal Region in the Context of Image/Identity/Meaning: The Mersin Case. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1461 - 1468. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/3386