Abstract : Yogyakarta is one of the centers of Batik that has already well known in the world. Tourist can buy batik in several places in Yogyakarta, such as the Beringharjo Market on Malioboro Street or the center of batik in the Imogiri sub-district, Bantul Regency. According to Irwan Tirta, batik is a technique of decorating fabrics or textiles by using wax in a color dyeing process, where all this process is done by hand. Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a tjanting or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap. In general, people only know three types of batik, namely handmade batik, copper stamped batik and printed batik. However, along with the development of textile world there emerged new form of batik technique called the ecoprint batik. Batik ecoprint is an environmentally friendly textile activity because it uses provided materials among the community. Basically, this batik ecoprint is slightly different from handmade batik, because batik ecoprint produces motifves from nature, such as leaves with their arrangement of motifves which are free and do not contain symbolic meaning, so that they are included in modern motifs. The purpose of this research is to develop an entrepreneurial business in order to improve and develop local batik businesses in the area of Puri Mojo Asri, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Present development, batik ecoprint crafters are returning to increase their production capacity. In order to develop more ecoprint fabric products, both for fashion and home decoration such as pillowcases, bolsters, curtains and more. The research method used is a qualitative method.