Analysis of Speed Behaviour at Crest Vertical Curve on a Case Study at Two-Lane Rural Highway

  • Norliana Sulaiman et. al


 The element of this exploration have end up to have a have a look at the relationship among configuration speeds, going for walks paces, and tempo limits, and the impact at the geometrical form. Roadway segments had been determined on at some stage in Lenggong to Sauk, Perak this is the 2-direction rustic thruway. velocity facts and roadway geometry information have been accrued along the ones locales to take into consideration the examination and assessment. The exam grow to be for the most element focused in the course of the relationship amongst configuration tempo and published tempo restriction, both greater outstanding or decrease. the connection amongst running pace and posted pace factor of confinement established that for all roadways, those pace measurements were precise and the published velocity farthest problem became lower than the eighty 5th percentile running pace. similarly discourse on the studies is exhibited in the facts and stop end result examination vicinity.

How to Cite
et. al, N. S. (2020). Analysis of Speed Behaviour at Crest Vertical Curve on a Case Study at Two-Lane Rural Highway. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1435 - 1442. Retrieved from