A Comparison on Level of Tenancy between Sharia and Non-Sharia Hotels in Yogyakarta Indonesia
This research discusses the level of tenancy between sharia and non-sharia hotels in Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia. In the World Halal Tourism Awards 2016 (WHAT 2016) held in Abu Dhabi, Indonesia won 12 awards on various halal tourism categories. One of the categories was on providing sharia-based hotel services. This research tries to map the level of tenancy between sharia and non-sharia hotels, including services to their customers. The research used interview, observation, and document collection. The researchers took two samples of 2 to 3-star hotels with neighboring location. The results indicate that: First, sharia hotel is a specially selected by Muslim customers for it provides sharia-based services, e.g. halal food and beverages with Indonesian Ulema Council's certification. Second, the level of tenancy between SIHU (initial for sharia hotel) and PHM (initial for non-sharia hotel) is relatively similar. During weekends, the level of tenancy in SIHU reaches 85-90% and in PHM reaches 80-90%.