Content Marketing Strategies in Online Political Campaigning in India

  • Dr.Pallavi Mishra


Research from all over the world over the past decade shows an increasingly positive relationship between internet and political engagement. Although the effect may vary from place to place and time to time as it is more evolutionary than revolutionary in nature. Indianpolitical system has also witnessed deeper transformation in the democraticprocess as the content marketing strategy is more effective on online platforms.This article uses content analysis of Facebook and Twitter posts to comprehend how the political campaigns influence netizens across a spectrum of online involvement. Content Analysis will study a specific set of data related to Political Campaigns in India originated and manifested on the Internetdoring 2014 and 2019 general elections. The study examines online engagement and specifically, sharing of campaign information on social media platforms.  This paper takes into account astructureof  political campaigns within Twitter and Facebook. Findings include, variety of pathways through which digital media influence political engagement and  how the choice results from interaction. These data have made it possible to formalize strategic goals of Socio-political engagement on digital media. Consequently, the paper identifies the categories of communication operations that appear on Twitter and Facebook like Tweets, Retweets, Share which involve others in Campaigning Activities.

How to Cite
Mishra, D. (2020). Content Marketing Strategies in Online Political Campaigning in India. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1074 - 1081. Retrieved from