Job Identity Satisfaction as A Concept of Mediation for Change Leadership to Support Change Commitment: A Perspective of Human Capital Theory

  • Iwan Hermawan et. al


A change leadership is naturally conducted in an organization. A leader has a responsibility for directing organizational entity commitment which can either create a productive worklife, or otherwise. This study is conducted based on the influence of change leadership on the change commitment. The sample used in this research was a group of 171 professional teachers of Early Childhood Education (ECE). It is perceived interesting since Indonesian government has recently released a regulation dealing with teacher certification which enables teacher to receive a certain incentive as an appreciation of achieving a certain level of professionalism in teaching and education. The higher level of the teacher certification achieved the higher level of standard of education produced. The perspective of this research is still in the frame of human resource management study, even though the sample used is in the academic area. The novelty of this research is Job Identity Satisfaction (JIS). JIS is synthesized from the level of satisfaction of the performance in terms of human capital and self-identity theories, in which focusing on deliberating a satisfaction which is congruent to individual talent. The result of this research generates the influence of change leadership on change commitment. The JIS variable is empirically proven as a full mediator of the problem gap. The updated concept of JIS contributes to the body of knowledge in terms of human capital theory domain.

How to Cite
et. al, I. H. (2020). Job Identity Satisfaction as A Concept of Mediation for Change Leadership to Support Change Commitment: A Perspective of Human Capital Theory. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 812 - 829. Retrieved from