The Influences of Bilingual Course Experiences on Children in Public Schools

  • Chen I-Ju et. al


 During this study, there had been some difficulties and issues regarding the implementation of the tests for the second-graders of the elementary school. It is aimed that this information can be used as a reference for future studies for related school directors of bilingual courses. Because the time for oral tests was limited, it was not possible to get familiar with the children and develop tacit understanding. And due to the time limitation, the method in this research of some children answered the questions with simple answers and some didn’t even know how to answer the questions. Although the process was recorded, it hopes that the children would talk more about their ideas with more expressions; some children did not like being recorded so that their willingness to speak out decreased. Yet, there were still some children enjoying expressing themselves for the recording. All these might influence the accuracy of the test results. There was something interesting. Several children used two languages to answer the questions. However, the conclusion that they used English and French instead of English and Chinese. It showed that the influence of French on these children in Ontario province was deeper than that of Chinese. Another possible reason was that these children probably spoke English and French at home. According to the findings, the theory was supported in the bilingual environment. In the trilingual environment, beside the two critical points from the theory, there was a third critical point for language learning and cognitive development (Woodcock, 1991).

How to Cite
et. al, C. I.-J. (2020). The Influences of Bilingual Course Experiences on Children in Public Schools. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 572 - 580. Retrieved from