Behavior of a Ferromagnetic Photovoltaic Module under the Harmful Effects of an External Magnetic Field

  • A. D. Kapim, T. E. Konga, F. B. Pelap


This article examines the behavior of a PV module, made with monocrystalline silicon under the effect of an external induced magnetic field and, in the presence of a material housed near a PV module. We establish the expressions of the diffusion coefficient and the distribution of minority carriers of the PV module. From these, output electrical parameters (photocurrent, photovoltage, electric power) are deducted. A comparative study of these electrical output parameters, in the presence or absence of the magnetic material is made. Our results reveal that the magnetic material must have the form of an isosceles prism. We also show that this magnetic material induces a growth of the short-circuit photocurrent and the maximum electric power of the PV module, while its open circuit photovoltage decreases. Furthermore, for an incident magnetic field, the ferromagnetic material optimizes the electric power of about 11.15% compared to the case of the PV module subjected to an external magnetic field in the absence of a magnetic material.

How to Cite
A. D. Kapim, T. E. Konga, F. B. Pelap. (2020). Behavior of a Ferromagnetic Photovoltaic Module under the Harmful Effects of an External Magnetic Field. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 14730 -. Retrieved from