The Implementation of Guided Discovery Method in the Subject of Equipment Installation in Electrical Distribution System
This research is conducted based on the fact that not many students have participated in the learning process activities since it is still focused and depends on the teacher. It is proved with the percentage of student activeness which is still beyond the expectation and resulted unsatisfied learning outcomes. One of the best method to improve the result of learning outcomes is by implementing an appropriate learning method that are suitable with the characteristic of students. In this research, the Guided Discover Method is developed and applied in order to help students to overcome the lack of their understanding in learning material therefor a satisfactory learning outcomes can be achieved. It is a pre-experimental research and implemented in a Vocational High School students (class XI SMKN 1 Padang) with expertise in electric power engineering. The data obtained is analyzed using Chi quadrat and Gain Score method. The results show that the normal distribution of data is 9.94 < 11.07 while student learning outcomes in pre-test and post-test amounted to 58.96 and 80.03 respectively. These results indicate that the Guided Discovery Learning method can successfully improve student learning outcomes in the subject of Equipment Installation in Electrical Distribution System.