Maximum Sustainable Yield of Shortfin Scads Fish (Decapterus sp) as a Basis for Fisheries Management in Bone Bay Waters
This study aims to calculate the value of the sustainable potential stock of shortfin scads fish in the waters of the Bone Bay, South Sulawesi. Research Data collection was carried out through interviews with shortfin scads fish fishing fishermen using questionnaires and direct measurement of caught shortfin scads fish. Research locations include Sinjai Regency, Bone Regency, and Palopo City. Time series data on the number of fishing gear and catches for 10 -20 years. The results of the analysis will show the condition of the shortfin scads fish population according to the bio-economic approach and as a comparison of stock conditions based on biological and economic approaches. The results showed the maximum sustainable yield value in Bone Bay was 24,559.54 tons with an optimum effort (F opt) of 35,043 trips which were the maximum effort to reach the maximum sustainable yield value. The utilization rate of shortfin scads fish has experienced overfishing with the value of the utilization rate of the last two years (2018-2019) which is 102.54% and 107.67% and the level of effort has exceeded the optimum effort with the level of effort above 100%.