Civil Servant’s Proffesionalism as the Strategy of Improving Public Services Quality in Jayapura Municipal Government

  • Terianus L. Safkaur, Yuliance A. Burdam, Henderina Morin


The quality of public services is greatly affected by the employee’s ability level reflected from their daily behaviors in the organization. Apparatus’ professionalism in providing public services lead to the organizational’s goal achievement which has been planned previously. Viewed from the main goal of bureaucracy as the provider of public services, the government should make an improvement regarding governance management and Human Resources’ preparedness that have high knowledge and skills. The aim of this research is to know how the effect of employees’ professionalism in Population and Civil Registration Agency of Jayapura.

The research method used is descriptive statistical method. The data are obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents of 30 people chosen to be the samples. Then, the data are processed by using simple linear regression method by finding out the determination coefficient value (R Square) aiming to know how big the effect of Employees’ Professionalism on Public Services Quality. Based on the analysis result, the R square value obtained is 0,608 (60.8%). It shows that by using simple linear regression model, the Civil Servant’s professionalism has effects on public services quality of 60,8%. While the remaining of 39,2% is explained by other factors or variables which are not known and not studied in this regression analysis.

How to Cite
Terianus L. Safkaur, Yuliance A. Burdam, Henderina Morin. (2020). Civil Servant’s Proffesionalism as the Strategy of Improving Public Services Quality in Jayapura Municipal Government. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 14160 - 14170. Retrieved from