Bioconversion of low-rank coal into humic substances by Acinetobacter sp. RKB

  • Zhubanova A.A et. al


 Over recent years, the area of coal bioprocessing has been growing steadily due to its negative consequences for the environment, as fossil coal mainly harnessed as an energy source. The current state of the research on low-rank coal processing is aimed at improving its efficiency and environmental safety, as well as at obtaining high-demand chemical products, such as humic substances. This study was conducted that took into consideration the nature of coal low-rank coal biosolubilizaticonversion processes. The results presented herein show that the bacterial strain could be used as an effective aid for bioutilization efficiency to produce humic substances from low-rank coal.

How to Cite
et. al, Z. A. (2020). Bioconversion of low-rank coal into humic substances by Acinetobacter sp. RKB. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 273 - 278. Retrieved from