To Ascertain The Cosmeceutic Values From A Mixture Of Dried Mulled Powder From Clove Buds, Rose Flower, Sandal Wood Jasmine Sambac And Citrus Lime Var Extract Used For Facial Beautification
A mixture of dried powder from cloves buds, rose flower, sandal wood, jasmine sambac and citrus limon var.pompia mulled has been used for facial beautification by feminine East African coastal inhabitants since time in memorial. They apply the mixed dried mulled powder wetted with little water and clove oil on their skin, rubbing it tenderly on their faces before washing to give a sweet, smooth, soft, healthy, natural clear shinning facial outlook. Standard stipulated methods for phytochemical qualitative analysis shows the presence of glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, terpenoids, saponins, phenols, steroids and flavonoids thus confirms its medicinal values. The presence of chemical derivatives for healthy skin ingredients, skin softeners, conditioners, shiners and free radical scavengers were determined qualitatively and quantitatively using ferric chloride and leiberman’s test, FTIR, and GC-MS on the extract. The mulled components are also known for their antifungal and antimicrobial activities thus confirm its proclaimed use as an ethno-herbal cosmeceutics.