iPrepare: Disaster Management Mobile Application
The study is about the development of an application entitled iPrepare: A Mobile App for Disaster Preparedness Management. The Philippines have many recorded incidents of destructive calamities or disasters like earthquake and typhoon. Yearly Filipino people experience these calamities. This motivated the researchers to develop an app to serve as a tool to assist a community in planning what to do before, during and after a disaster or emergency incident. The mobile app provides information about disaster preparedness with reference to available local disaster resource information, guidelines on how to respond to a disaster and the activities done before a disaster. The app encompasses information like Disaster news, NDDRMC tweets, Disaster Management hotlines for emergency call, SMS Disaster information, location of evacuation areas and Disaster tools to use. It can be used tis a tool for disseminate of information about impending calamities to enable the community prepare before it arrives. The app was evaluated by selected respondents, the Risk Reduction Team of BRGY 409 in Legarda, Manila using ISO/IEC 25010:2011, a Systems and Software Product Quality Metrics. The app was rated with 4.09 by the respondents, which corresponds to a descriptive meaning of “Very Good” in the 5-point Likert scale.