Prevalence of dental caries and oral health practice among public school students aged 12 years in Msallata city

  • Saad O. Alsharif et. al


 Dental caries is a very common chronic infectious disease that is preventable and related to dental behaviors. The aims of this study were to investigate oral health practice and prevalence of dental caries among public school students aged 12 years in Msallata city. A cross-sectional study has been done, the study involved 283 of children studying in government schools who aged 12-year-old. Dental caries was assessed using the WHO (1987) criteria. Dental examination of children was done using mouth mirror and dental explorer. Information about oral health practice was collected through a dental health questionnaire. The IBM (SPSS) Version 20.0 was used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that the dental caries prevalence was (56.5%). The prevalence of dental caries in the males was higher than females. The difference between the two groups with respect to prevalence of dental caries was statistically significant different P<0.05. The students who had good oral health practice were about (51.9%) whereas the students had poor oral health practice were (48.1%). Health education on good oral health practice should be emphasized among school children.

How to Cite
et. al, S. O. A. (2020). Prevalence of dental caries and oral health practice among public school students aged 12 years in Msallata city. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 144 - 150. Retrieved from