Indonesia is facing the fourth industrial revolution, meaning that all of the production of a manufacture will rely on machines and technologies entirely and the labors will act as the supervisors of the technology, in the future it might have possibility that more than a half of the labors in the manufactures will be replaced by machine. Industry 4.0 is first being introduced by the German Government in 2011 as national strategy. Based on Forbes (2018) The Industry 4.0 actually it is a continuation from Industry 3.0 but adopted with the adoption of computers and automation and enhance it with smart and autonomous systems fueled by data and machine learning, in Industry 4.0 it makes computers are connected and communicate with one another to ultimately make decisions without human involvement. This research aims to design a mapping of the human capital readiness in implementing Industry 4.0 in a manufacture firm in Indonesia, conducted using quantitative data analysis by distributing questionnaires to 72 employees. This research analyzed 4 constructs of human capital readiness which are Knowledge, Hard Skill, Soft Skill and Attitude. The data that has been gathered will be observed using Geometrics Formula and Human Development Index (HDI) formula to show the readiness relativity among constructs. The result of this research showed that the firm has not been fully ready in implementing Industry 4.0 that can be seen from the Knowledge and Soft Skill factors HDI scores that range from 0.80 – 1.