The Staff Foreign Language Use Strategies of Tourism Places At Lembang and Subang, Indonesia in Serving Overseas Tourists

  • Dr. Acep Unang Rahayu


 This study is related to sociolinguistics which analyses the language usage and related culture. This research is limited only to the usage and practice of spoken foreign languages especially English at nature tourism  destinations. The data of this research were taken from some staff and managerial staff working at 3 nature tourism destinations in Bandung districts of West Java, Indonesia. In this research the thoughts of linguistics barriers in practicing and using English were investigated. Practising foreign languages in Indonesia such as English, French, Mandarin, Arabic or others are still considered rare due to cultural barriers and limitations of linguistics knowledge. The author’s contributions to this problem are as follows: Explaining the importance of using foreign languages at tourism destinations, and investigating the staff’s strategies in overcoming communication gaps when handling foreign tourists visiting the tourism destinations.

How to Cite
Rahayu, D. A. U. (2020). The Staff Foreign Language Use Strategies of Tourism Places At Lembang and Subang, Indonesia in Serving Overseas Tourists. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 104 - 111. Retrieved from