Congestion Management with DR and FACTS Devices in Market Environment

  • Dr. Niteen G. Savagave, Rajendra B. Madake


The advent of deregulated energy systems has contributed to overburdening networks of transmission or congestion of the network. Congestion has an impact on power systems, including severe damage to the system. Congestion occurs when networks of transmission fail to move power depending on the request for a heap. Using congestion management methods, which assume an important role in current deregulated power frameworks, these issues are supervised. A few approaches for tracking traffic have been suggested. This paper looks at some methods of congestion management. The research of different producers is used to analyze the centrality of each proposed method in reducing congestion and restricting the work expenses of the system.

How to Cite
Dr. Niteen G. Savagave, Rajendra B. Madake. (2020). Congestion Management with DR and FACTS Devices in Market Environment . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 13079 -. Retrieved from