Residual Shear Angle of Clay Shale with Normally Consolidated from a Slurry Soil Preparation Method in Bawen, Semarang
Clay shale is a type of soil that often causes problems in the project because it can change rapidly from stone to soil (weathered). To prevent failure in clay shale soil should be known one of the soil parameters is the residual sliding angle which is the strength of the soil in the lowest condition. Clay shale soil used in research came from in Bawen, Semarang. The purposes of the study is to know the physical properties through water content testing, Atterberg limit, and free swell, knowing the mechanical properties through the direct shear test with soil preparation method normally consolidated from slurry, and knowing the both relationship. The conclusion of the physical test results of the clay shale, the characteristics of the soil being tested, are classified as clay with the mineral constituent montmorillonite,Other physical properties' test results are free swell, the land is included in the medium development category medium. The mechanical properties of the clay shale, the value of the residual shear angle for the L1 sample is 8.306 ° and the L2 sample is 7.913 °and the result between the liquid limit and the residual shear angle value, namely the higher the liquid limit value, the residual shear angle value will be lower. While the relationship between the value of free swell, liquid limit, and shrinkage limit show the greater the value of free swell, the greater the value of the liquid limit and the shrinkage limit