E-Learning Adoption among Academic Staff during COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak: The KAP Model

  • Ala'eddin Ahmad, Amani Mashhoor Al-Refai, Noor Saqr Al Momani, Mohammd Abuhashesh


The current research assessing KAP (knowledge, attitude and practice) and its relationship with e-learning adoption among Jordanian universities. This research examined the relationship between the independent variables, represented by KAP, and the dependent variable, which was e-learning adoption. A quantitative approach utilized a cross-sectional survey to gather primary data from academic staff in Jordanian public and private universities. The sample size was 430 valid questionnaires. The results showed a statistically significant impact of knowledge, attitude and practice toward e-learning adoption.This research contributes positively to the diffusion of awareness about pay more attention towards e-learning adoption in Jordan’s educationalinstitutions and provides suggestions to practitioners.

How to Cite
Ala’eddin Ahmad, Amani Mashhoor Al-Refai, Noor Saqr Al Momani, Mohammd Abuhashesh. (2020). E-Learning Adoption among Academic Staff during COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak: The KAP Model. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12260 - 12272. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/30318