Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation in Motor Impairments

  • Oscar I. Caldas, Oscar F. Avilés, Mauricio Mauledoux


This article discusses the technological advances made in the field of exoskeletons (wearable or fixed robots) for motor rehabilitation of motor disorders. Different studies were screened to identify the main trends in sensors and actuators selection, most suitable control strategies and mechanical designs, but also to point out the target populations for both upper and lower limb motor rehabilitation. Since robotic exoskeletons support the recovery of motor skills by intensive training on different joints, the different robotic configurations are analyzed to clarify the needs and the methods used for treatments related motions and paths following, such as those to allow abduction / adduction, flexion / extension, elevation / depression,  external / internal rotation, among others, as well as to other degrees of freedom over the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes. This overview also considers the different uses of the robotic devices to overcome force and range of motion limitations, tremor suppression, muscle weakness rehabilitation, diagnosis of abnormal stiffness on motion, and mostly to improve motor function. Most of upper-limb exoskeletons showed to focus on neuromuscular disorders, whereas lower-limb exoskeletons are usually designed for body-weight support and treatment of chronic motor diseases. Based on the insights extracted in this overview, the design and subsequent implementation of external devices or robotic exoskeletons are analyzed, in order to obtain a more solid base of knowledge for future developments.

How to Cite
Oscar I. Caldas, Oscar F. Avilés, Mauricio Mauledoux. (2020). Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation in Motor Impairments. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12030 - 12042. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/30295