Factors Influencing Empolyees Morale: Software Industry In Coimbatore

  • . C. Vetrivel , Krishnamoorthy, D.Babin Dhas , R. Priyatharsini


The purpose of the study was mainly to explore factors influencing the morale of employees at the software companies at coimbatore.Morale is the psychological state of a person as expressed in self-confidence, enthusiasm, and/or loyalty to a cause or organization and it flows from people's conviction about the righteousness or worth of their actions and the hopes of considerable rewards (material or otherwise) in the future. The study was conducted at Tech volt software private limited Coimbatore. The investigation consisted of a literature review about morale in order to gain an understanding to answer the research question which is: What are factors influencing morale of employees at the techvolt software pvt ltd .  When employees have good morale they feel committed and loyal to their job and organization. The main motive of the research is to identify the leadership style or behavior adopted by the superior towards their subordinates and also to establish how that behavior has impact on employee morale. The primary data were collected through a questionnaire. This survey was carried out in various department in Techvolt software pvt ltd . The research design used for this study is descriptive in nature. The descriptive study helps the researcher to find out various characteristics of the respondents The research methodology used for this study is simple random sampling and stratified sampling. The tools to be used for the study are Multiple Regression analysis, sample percentage analysis, weighted average method. The factors such as work related to employee morale, leadership development, training and development, communication behaviour were considered as independent variable and employee performance as dependant variable.

How to Cite
. C. Vetrivel , Krishnamoorthy, D.Babin Dhas , R. Priyatharsini. (2020). Factors Influencing Empolyees Morale: Software Industry In Coimbatore. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 4685 - 4698. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/28472